My parents always told me that Santa was just a story--but that I couldn't tell that to other kids because some of them believed he was real. I remember feeling quite superior to these dummies who'd been hoodwinked to think that some guy was actually coming down their chimney to leave them presents. And really isn't that a just as satisfying a feeling as the joy of Christmas? 😂
Talking about Trotsky's exile, he also stayed for a while in New York, though this was in 1917, before the Russian Revolution. He stayed in the Bronx, in a neighborhood of Jewish immigrants. He was annoyed by the American tipping culture and refused to tip the restaurant waiters. Even worse, he would loudly tell other patrons not to tip either, calling it "capitalist oppression" or whatever. Eventually, the waiters lost patience and dumped hot soup on him.
While looking for this, I found this great oral history of the creation of Christmastime For The Jews, which coincidentally was broadcast on the same episode as Lazy Sunday (they discuss):
Medieval Middle Eastern desert tribal nomadic, ultra-primitive, ultra-illiterate, ultra-filthy (in ancient times those dwellers didn't have water to clean themselves up), where the Christian God biz started. In putting this into historical perspective - Egyptians didn't bring slaves from backwater filthy, incurable-diseases ridden Europe, but from Ethiopia to carry out their gigantic building projects. When these Ethiopian slaves jumped Egyptian slave bondage, they were stranded in the Judean desert - begging for their daily bread and yearning for their kingdom to come (this is what three-piece suited ladies and gentlemen copycat their prayer biz) in utter dirty, filthy, unhygienic conditions, the beginning of Christianity. In the meantime, when Romans caught these lunatics, they started crucifying (crucifixion is the Roman mode of the electric chair, but a very lethal one) them in big numbers daily. In the subsequent years, these Ethiopian slaves jumped back to Ethiopia and started this Christianity God biz or industry in Ethiopia (learn about archeological findings and Ethiopian history) to be the very first country to establish Christian God biz or industry. Meanwhile, Europe was a totally pagan continent (note that there were no Jews cult biz or Christian biz or industry in entire Europe), but with Charlemagne the brute (7th-century AD) coming to power issued an edict to convert every man, woman, child, infant, and mothers breast-suckling baby to Christianity by force or anyone opposed to slit their throats. The consequences years later Franciscan monks rounded up pagans and thousands of them along with their families burned them at stake and took all the pagan customs, festivals, dates, rituals and traditions as Christian ones - where this Santa biz, Christmas biz, Easter biz, etc. Reminding that the Christian God biz originated from medieval Middle Eastern desert and these ultra-primitive, ultra-illiterate didn't have anything to boast about and Europe was the most uncivilized, uncultured continent and still they are - to believe these fancy made up stories like Santa Biz (originated in Germany and subsequent years Germanic people were the most ruthless violent people of Europe and second only to Vikings). Today, in this 21st-century, our digital information age - these barbaric practices have become commercialized.
My parents always told me that Santa was just a story--but that I couldn't tell that to other kids because some of them believed he was real. I remember feeling quite superior to these dummies who'd been hoodwinked to think that some guy was actually coming down their chimney to leave them presents. And really isn't that a just as satisfying a feeling as the joy of Christmas? 😂
Talking about Trotsky's exile, he also stayed for a while in New York, though this was in 1917, before the Russian Revolution. He stayed in the Bronx, in a neighborhood of Jewish immigrants. He was annoyed by the American tipping culture and refused to tip the restaurant waiters. Even worse, he would loudly tell other patrons not to tip either, calling it "capitalist oppression" or whatever. Eventually, the waiters lost patience and dumped hot soup on him.
I’m partial to this SNL bit from 1987, also written by Smigel: An Assimilated Jew’s Hanukkah:¤tTweetUser=TriumphICDHQ
“Joy To The World, our Lord has not yet come!”
While looking for this, I found this great oral history of the creation of Christmastime For The Jews, which coincidentally was broadcast on the same episode as Lazy Sunday (they discuss):
Medieval Middle Eastern desert tribal nomadic, ultra-primitive, ultra-illiterate, ultra-filthy (in ancient times those dwellers didn't have water to clean themselves up), where the Christian God biz started. In putting this into historical perspective - Egyptians didn't bring slaves from backwater filthy, incurable-diseases ridden Europe, but from Ethiopia to carry out their gigantic building projects. When these Ethiopian slaves jumped Egyptian slave bondage, they were stranded in the Judean desert - begging for their daily bread and yearning for their kingdom to come (this is what three-piece suited ladies and gentlemen copycat their prayer biz) in utter dirty, filthy, unhygienic conditions, the beginning of Christianity. In the meantime, when Romans caught these lunatics, they started crucifying (crucifixion is the Roman mode of the electric chair, but a very lethal one) them in big numbers daily. In the subsequent years, these Ethiopian slaves jumped back to Ethiopia and started this Christianity God biz or industry in Ethiopia (learn about archeological findings and Ethiopian history) to be the very first country to establish Christian God biz or industry. Meanwhile, Europe was a totally pagan continent (note that there were no Jews cult biz or Christian biz or industry in entire Europe), but with Charlemagne the brute (7th-century AD) coming to power issued an edict to convert every man, woman, child, infant, and mothers breast-suckling baby to Christianity by force or anyone opposed to slit their throats. The consequences years later Franciscan monks rounded up pagans and thousands of them along with their families burned them at stake and took all the pagan customs, festivals, dates, rituals and traditions as Christian ones - where this Santa biz, Christmas biz, Easter biz, etc. Reminding that the Christian God biz originated from medieval Middle Eastern desert and these ultra-primitive, ultra-illiterate didn't have anything to boast about and Europe was the most uncivilized, uncultured continent and still they are - to believe these fancy made up stories like Santa Biz (originated in Germany and subsequent years Germanic people were the most ruthless violent people of Europe and second only to Vikings). Today, in this 21st-century, our digital information age - these barbaric practices have become commercialized.
Is this the proper time to write, "sir, this is a Wendy's"?