Why don't you pronounced it "Doggy" like Heather Cox Richardson (from the excellent blog "Letters From An American) does?

Are you trying to save yourself from the coming firing squads Herr Trump will institute after he shreds the Constitution? A little late for that in your case.

In for a penny, in for a pound I never say.....

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I would prefer, if you go over an old piece, to have more analysis. This feels more like a clip show, and "Shades of Gray" was the worst episode of Star Trek, across all series.

Regarding drugs and careers, I think you missed out on cocaine and investment bankers.

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The biggest problem with dismissing arguments or the people making them as stupid is that anyone can do it, even stupid people.

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Thank you--I liked the retrospective approach and I thought the analysis was closer to Goldilocks than Shaun did, below.

One pedantic correction: you should include an update that Intelligence2 has rebranded as Open to Debate. You really don't want John Donvan coming after you for that!

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Oh God…I fear that it might already be too late. He’s after me now.

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Interesting thought Joe but let me do my own research on that.....

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The only thing I remember about Dishwalla is that they're at the start of each free IMBW segment.

I can't name a single song. I went to WIkipedia and they've got "Counting Blue Cars" and I guess I heard this on the radio in the 90s but it left no impression on me at all.

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Way back when, I was told that intelligence was the ability to adapt to the environment. In that vein, dinosaurs were dumb. Outside of Darwin Award winners, it often takes a long time before the consequences of not adapting to the environment take their toll, so it's difficult to say whether someone is dumb off the cuff. I will agree that the fat Nixon seems to be seeking, not a peace prize, but a Darwin Award.

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There’s two ways to shut down a discussion. The first is to call someone stupid. The second is to form a new social media platform where all the liberals can circlejerk each other off in an echo chamber of calling the conservatives stupid while the conservatives stake their claim on the original platform doing the same. It seems like an evil plot from a movie villain to corral the do-gooders in a closed group (they can’t even share their posts outside of Bluesky) so the other side can get their important work done without dealing with the whiners. I suspect most voters don’t even pay attention to social media and would likely resort to just calling someone stupid and walking to the other side of the bar or dining room or group chat wherever real life happens.

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I loved the Lord Grantham take, what a dumbass that guy was. Lol

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