That’s how you sugar coat segregation? Affinity? Freedom of association?
Team Progressive turned race and gender into essentialism. Driving all of this into structures and institutions. Spreading the lie and outright fabrication of systemic racism and sexism. All to elevate their preferred groups to higher power based on nothing more than…
That’s how you sugar coat segregation? Affinity? Freedom of association?
Team Progressive turned race and gender into essentialism. Driving all of this into structures and institutions. Spreading the lie and outright fabrication of systemic racism and sexism. All to elevate their preferred groups to higher power based on nothing more than their skin color and gender. That is racism. That is sexism. A violation of non discrimination laws. And that will be legally challenged and rolled back in the coming months.
Segregation doesn't need to be sugar-coated because it is neither an inherently bad or good thing; it simply means 'separation." Whether it is ultimately a net positive or negative in society depends on the bases, assumptions, and motives upon which it is built.
American de jure segregation was bad because it was imposed by the state, not because the races didn't "mix.' And it's easy to condemn segregation wholesale when the costs of doing so didn't fall so disproportionately upon your own community. It's so ironic that desegregation came with a huge unforeseen penalty for Black Americans that either broke even with or outweighed the expected benefits. The parents who were plaintiffs in Brown v Board could have cared less whether their children sat besides White kids or not in school. They simply believed it was unfair for the children of tax-paying citizens to be prohibited from attending a public school because of the state's racist practices. If we're all equal, what's wrong with all/predominantly Black neighborhoods or White ones or Hispanic ones? I thought it was racist to think that Black people needed to be in close proximity to White people to succeed or thrive.
Good point. Nothing wrong, at all, with separation. I get that. Sometimes, you want to hang out with people who “get you”. Food, lingo, culture. I don’t see that as a goal for what’s been happening these post George Floyd years. It’s been done under guise of safety. Harm reduction. As if our decades of social mingling and color blindness were somehow wrong and harmful. It has had the effect of raising racial consciousness and distinctness. That’s not good. We ignore universal character traits in favor of immutable group traits. That is the complete opposite of MLK speech and everything Obama ever said. How is it that Progressives find that a good idea?
It’s not. It’s a terrible idea. It sets us up in zero sum conflict based on traits we have no control over and cannot change. It leads one favored group toward social entitlement and the disfavored group toward resentment and aggression. This is not complicated to understand and is quite intuitive an outcome. How is it that our best and brightest Progressive thinkers continue to pursue it when this is clearly what’s happening?!
You make a fundamental mistake by heaping all the blame on progressives when conservatives do the exact same thing in their own preferred contexts. Whenever we're talking about something like crime or unmarried mothers or education, conservatives have no qualms at all with trafficking in race consciousness or even promoting their version of the narrative that America has made no progress on racial matters over the years. We're constantly told that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow to this very day, LBJ was a raging racist that implemented the Great Society to devastate Black communities, Sen. Robert Bird was an unrepentant KKK member whom Biden spoke fondly of (while omitting that Obama did as well), etc. When we speak of crime or births out of wedlock, everything is Black this and Black that, never American this and American that. And more recently, you have "DEI" being used as a slur by conservatives. "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" is sung at the Super Bowl as part of pre-game activities (and was announced by its actual name) and not immediately before the national anthem and you have the Fox & Friends crew getting White folks whipped into a frenzy by reporting that the Black national anthem (which is not what the announcers called it, but rather by its actual name "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing") was competing with the national anthem during the Super Bowl, which then triggered uninformed and borderline racist statements about Black Americans and the song itself (which is over a century old and nicknamed the Black [Negro at the time] national anthem before the U.S. had a designated national anthem), etc. I can go on and on and on. It was rather funny seeing these same folks go full-on racist towards Vivek in response to his statement about mediocre American culture and its failure to produce top talent that we now have to import in large numbers when that's the same thing they say to Black folks in an economic context.
From where I sit, what the Right does in this regard is absolutely worse than the Left without question. If someone feels that a Black graduation ceremony or college residential hall with a Black-oriented theme is so egregiously harmful but they completely and totally ignore how complicit they are in the "othering" of Black Americans on a constant basis, then that says a lot about their actual priorities. Honestly I get tired of the insistence on the right that Black Americans are not part of the body politic, that we shouldn't "depend on the government" or Whites and do things "for ourselves" as though we aren't taxpaying law-abiding citizens whose "issues" are very common to all Americans.
That’s how you sugar coat segregation? Affinity? Freedom of association?
Team Progressive turned race and gender into essentialism. Driving all of this into structures and institutions. Spreading the lie and outright fabrication of systemic racism and sexism. All to elevate their preferred groups to higher power based on nothing more than their skin color and gender. That is racism. That is sexism. A violation of non discrimination laws. And that will be legally challenged and rolled back in the coming months.
Good. End Progressive racism. And sexism. Now.
Segregation doesn't need to be sugar-coated because it is neither an inherently bad or good thing; it simply means 'separation." Whether it is ultimately a net positive or negative in society depends on the bases, assumptions, and motives upon which it is built.
American de jure segregation was bad because it was imposed by the state, not because the races didn't "mix.' And it's easy to condemn segregation wholesale when the costs of doing so didn't fall so disproportionately upon your own community. It's so ironic that desegregation came with a huge unforeseen penalty for Black Americans that either broke even with or outweighed the expected benefits. The parents who were plaintiffs in Brown v Board could have cared less whether their children sat besides White kids or not in school. They simply believed it was unfair for the children of tax-paying citizens to be prohibited from attending a public school because of the state's racist practices. If we're all equal, what's wrong with all/predominantly Black neighborhoods or White ones or Hispanic ones? I thought it was racist to think that Black people needed to be in close proximity to White people to succeed or thrive.
Good point. Nothing wrong, at all, with separation. I get that. Sometimes, you want to hang out with people who “get you”. Food, lingo, culture. I don’t see that as a goal for what’s been happening these post George Floyd years. It’s been done under guise of safety. Harm reduction. As if our decades of social mingling and color blindness were somehow wrong and harmful. It has had the effect of raising racial consciousness and distinctness. That’s not good. We ignore universal character traits in favor of immutable group traits. That is the complete opposite of MLK speech and everything Obama ever said. How is it that Progressives find that a good idea?
It’s not. It’s a terrible idea. It sets us up in zero sum conflict based on traits we have no control over and cannot change. It leads one favored group toward social entitlement and the disfavored group toward resentment and aggression. This is not complicated to understand and is quite intuitive an outcome. How is it that our best and brightest Progressive thinkers continue to pursue it when this is clearly what’s happening?!
You make a fundamental mistake by heaping all the blame on progressives when conservatives do the exact same thing in their own preferred contexts. Whenever we're talking about something like crime or unmarried mothers or education, conservatives have no qualms at all with trafficking in race consciousness or even promoting their version of the narrative that America has made no progress on racial matters over the years. We're constantly told that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow to this very day, LBJ was a raging racist that implemented the Great Society to devastate Black communities, Sen. Robert Bird was an unrepentant KKK member whom Biden spoke fondly of (while omitting that Obama did as well), etc. When we speak of crime or births out of wedlock, everything is Black this and Black that, never American this and American that. And more recently, you have "DEI" being used as a slur by conservatives. "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" is sung at the Super Bowl as part of pre-game activities (and was announced by its actual name) and not immediately before the national anthem and you have the Fox & Friends crew getting White folks whipped into a frenzy by reporting that the Black national anthem (which is not what the announcers called it, but rather by its actual name "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing") was competing with the national anthem during the Super Bowl, which then triggered uninformed and borderline racist statements about Black Americans and the song itself (which is over a century old and nicknamed the Black [Negro at the time] national anthem before the U.S. had a designated national anthem), etc. I can go on and on and on. It was rather funny seeing these same folks go full-on racist towards Vivek in response to his statement about mediocre American culture and its failure to produce top talent that we now have to import in large numbers when that's the same thing they say to Black folks in an economic context.
From where I sit, what the Right does in this regard is absolutely worse than the Left without question. If someone feels that a Black graduation ceremony or college residential hall with a Black-oriented theme is so egregiously harmful but they completely and totally ignore how complicit they are in the "othering" of Black Americans on a constant basis, then that says a lot about their actual priorities. Honestly I get tired of the insistence on the right that Black Americans are not part of the body politic, that we shouldn't "depend on the government" or Whites and do things "for ourselves" as though we aren't taxpaying law-abiding citizens whose "issues" are very common to all Americans.